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The spring semester of 2017 has been very active and fruitful for Latvian College of Culture (LCC). We have signed several new agreements and welcomed our international partners here in Riga to give inspiring lectures and workshops to our students and guests. Five new agreements have been signed with our partners from Georgia, Ukraine, Israel, and Cyprus.

During this semester our students had an opportunity to experience lectures in diverse topics. We were very honoured to welcome a professor from Israel to give classes in the field of “Multicultural Israel” and a professor from Georgia, who was lecturing on a topic “Cultural events – strategical planning”. In addition to that, we were happy to meet a professor from Ukraine, who talked about “Law and author’s rights”.

This semester our students are in Erasmus+ studying and training Mobilities in Portugal, France, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Finland. In order to gain new experience and widen our international perspectives LCC staff members also went abroad to Georgia, Mexico, and Cyprus. We are very proud of our students and staff members, and we will continue our work on International strategy.

Have a nice summer!

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